SVArTracker - Продвинутый инструмент для создания музыки. Новое поколение трэкеров. Модульная визуальная студия.
Особенности: - Может загружать VST, VSTi и DirectX DMO плагины. - Встроенная программа сэмплирования. До 15 поддерживаемых типичных программ слежения за эффектами. - Может импортировать следующие типы песенных модулей: - IT, Impulse Tracker module - XM, Fast Tracker 2 module - S3M, Scream Tracker module - MOD, ProTracker module - MID, MIDI - rmi, amf, ams, 669, dbm, dmf, dsm, far, mdl, med, mt2, mtm, okt, psm, ptm, ult, umx - Все внутренние операции 32-битные, кроме вычисление требующих 64-бита. - DirectX wave и MIDI драйвер. - Входящие Midi. - Поддержка выходного драйвера Asio (экспериментальный режим). - Исполнение wave файла (PCM16 PCM32 FLOAT32 на 22100-196000 Hz). - Стандартный windows интерфейс.
SVAr Tracker is a music creation tool - a virtual studio with the tracker interface.
* Compatibility with thousands of virtual instruments - can load VST, VSTi, and DirectX DMO plug-ins. * Integrated sampler. Support for up to 15 typical tracker effects:
Note/channel stereo pan, stereo shift, volume tremolo, volume slide up/down, frequency shift up/down, pitch set Note delay, reverse, chord play, vibrato, resonance filter, Note retrig (2 types), glide, panbrello Sample offset (2 types), sample zone selector * All internal operations are 32-bit floating point, except calculations requiring 64-bit floating-point precision. * Can import the following types of song modules:
and others: rmi,amf,ams,669,dbm,dmf,dsm,far,mdl, med,mt2,mtm,okt,psm,ptm,ult,umx * DirectX wave and MIDI driver output. * Renders wave file (PCM16 PCM32 FLOAT32 at 22100-196000 Hz). * Standard Windows interface
SVArTracker is provided as freeware for private (non-commercial) or educational (including non-profit organizations) use. In these cases, you are granted the right to use and to make an unlimited number of copies. We would greatly appreciate your help that could assist us in the development of the product. If you think SVAr Tracker is valuable and would like to help us make it even better, please make a donation. Your generosity will definitely make a difference by keeping the program free and providing essential support in the development of future versions.
OC: Windows XP, NT, Vista, 2000, 7 Размер: 8.29 Mb