WebTemp - Мощная утилита для мониторинга температуры процессора, материнской платы, видеокарты, измерения скорости вращения вентиляторов, контроля загрузки процессора и памяти, контроля зарядки батареи и предоставления детальной статистики об установленном оборудовании. NOTE:
WebTemp freeware is free for personal use.
WebTemp features :
- WebTemp reads temperatures, voltages and fan speeds from several hardware monitoring tools,
- it can read RAM and CPU usage, CPU frequency, network traffic, hard disk memory and battery capacity on its own,
- it creates an image which enables you getting an overview of all the values and their condition in the past few hours,
- furthermore there is a display mode for the past 24 hours,
- a banner-style display which only displays temperatures or network traffic over time,
- another small display called "Light" which just shows you current temperatures and fan speeds,
- both of these images can be displayed transparently on top of your desktop,
- additionally they can be uploaded to any FTP server of yours,
- it is possible to customize the colors and names of statistics and sensors,
- there is an extra window which provides you with system information like real time CPU frequency,
- WebTemp consumes very little processor time and memory, beyond that the setup package fits on one(!) old floppy disk,
- you can choose to get notifications when new versions become available,
- setup does not copy any files into your windows or system directory nor does uninstall leave behind any of WebTemp's registry settings.
Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/7
Размер: 1,58 МБ
С оф. сайта
Доступно только для пользователей