Vopt - Компактный, быстро работающий и хорошо настраиваемый дефрагментатор. Умеет работать по расписанию, есть функция защита данных от их потери из-за различных сбоев во время дефрагментации. Дополнительные возможности: очистка системы от "мусора" (temp-файлы и прочего), изменение размеров файла подкачки и кэша, а также показ происходящих в системе процессов, ресурсов и т.п.
[spoiler]Vopt lets you quickly defrag and pack your disk drives to maintain optimal performance and reliability. Vopt's speed makes daily defragging both practical and desirable. Vopt also provides tools to assist you in maintaining your system, reclaiming wasted disk space, and protecting your privacy. Vopt offers many different lanquage choices to give you the comfort of working in your own native language.
· Fast - When used regularly, it finishes in a few minutes.
· Safe - Your disk data is fully protected.
· Easy - You can choose manual or automatic defragmentation--daily or weekly.
· Powerful - Includes great tools for tuning your system and cleaning-up unwanted trash.
Changes from 9.12 to 9.20
- Typical defrags finish 10-40% faster.
- Improved handling for NTFS sparse files.
- Startup files packed together during defrag.
- Hiberfile preserved during defrag if not fragmented.
- Legend items are active buttons following an analyze.
- Usage menu removed (see legend button functions above).
- "Quick defrag" and "Defrag (tighter packing)" added to Defrag menu.
- Added "Memory dumps" to Status menu and Cleanup dialog.
- Cleanup menu removed (functions moved elsewhere).
- Cosmetic changes and minor corrections.[/spoiler]
Размер: 3.33 Мб
Пароль: sorus