Actual Window Manager – представляет собой программу, предлагающей пользователю несколько другой, нетрадиционный способ управления окнами приложений.-Альтернативный вариант навигации окнами приложений которым может быть предана прозрачность, они могут быть помещены поверх остальных, или быть свернутыми в трей. Также к ним могут быть применены пользователем определенные настройки, для чего необходимо обратиться к модулю конфигурации. Более того, ряд опций вносится непосредственно в структуру окна и помещается рядом с пиктограммами «свернуть», «развернуть» и «закрыть» и многое многое другое. После установки и запуска Actual Window Manager работает в фоновом режиме, обеспечивая: • автоматическое выполнение широкого спектра действий над окнами, таких как: свернуть при запуске/деактивации, развернуть при запуске, закрыть при запуске, изменить положение/размер при запуске, зафиксировать положение/размер, изменить приоритет выполнения при запуске/деактивации, и многих других; • быстрый доступ к скрытым возможностям системы («Свернуть окно в область уведомлений», «Окно всегда поверх всех», «Полупрозрачное окно» и др.) через дополнительные кнопки заголовка окна или дополнительные пункты в системном меню окна; • поддержку механизма виртуальных Рабочих Столов; • дополнительные средства при работе с несколькими мониторами: эмуляция Панели Задач, кнопки «Пуск» и Переключателя Задач на каждом мониторе, быстрое перемещение окон между мониторами, быстрое разворачивание окна на все мониторы.
Actual Window Manager 8.1 (22.01.2014)
[+] The Clipboard History feature is added: it collects the text, images, files, etc. copied to the clipboard, and allows pasting them lately. [+] Windows 8/8/1: Ability to toggle active Modern (Metro) app to windowed mode is added (see the "Toggle windowed mode for a Modern app" hotkey in the Tools group on the "Hotkeys - Actions" panel). [+] Ability to activate windows by placing the mouse over them is added (see the new "Mouse - Options" panel). [+] Now the Desktop Mirroring feature uses the hardware video acceleration available for Windows Desktop presentation since Windows Vista. This allows the near-real-time performance for such graphics-intensive applications as video players, video games and other similar programs where high performance mirroring is required. Note: Hardware accelerated mirroring is available only when the Aero visual theme is active. [+] The Save Idle Screens feature now can be configured to start automatically on a monitor when no mouse and application activity occurs on that monitor for a specified time. [+] Now it is possible to specify the default location of configuration files via command line: run "ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe CFL 1|2|3|-", where
1 - program installation folder 2 - "Application Data" folder in the All Users user profile 3 - "Application Data" folder in the current user profile (default) - - remove the value from the Registry
[+] Sending of collected usage statistics is added.
Alt-Tab Task Switcher is compatible with Windows 8.1.
Clipboard Templates now support Unicode texts.
The Clipboard Templates context menu now displays the last used template first.
Clipboard Templates: Now it is possible to drag templates between groups of different levels.
Windows 8.1: Look of the Start button in Actual Taskbar is improved.
Windows 8: Actual Taskbar now supports the Start menu provided by the Start8 program.
Windows 8/8.1: Support of Classic Shell Start Menu and StartIsBack is improved.
Windows 8/8.1: Actual Taskbar now considers the docked Modern (Metro) apps when calculating the monitor work area.
Actual Window Manager screen savers are compatible with Windows 8.1.
The Ignore Deactivation feature compatibility with Hitman: Absolution (and possibly some other games) is improved.
Compatibility with the Directory Opus "Open on Desktop double-click" feature is improved.
Desktop background slideshow now displays pictures in the same order as they are shown by Windows Explorer being sorted by their file names.
The "Custom Position" dialog is improved: now it displays values for all available measure units (pixels, percent of monitor/desktop).
When using the Window Finder tool to fill the "Align window" or "Resize window" parameters from an existing window, the actual values are calculated in set measure units and alignment mode.
Check for Updates options are moved into separate panel in the Options page.
Now it is possible to open the Check for Updates options from the Check for Updates window.
Now it is possible to restore the lost registration code from the Registration dialog. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Running programs in "Windows XP/Vista compatibility" mode made them hung at startup. [-] Automatically moving or sizing Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 windows at startup made them unusable. [-] Flash Player running in the Firefox Plugin Container consumed system resources constantly. [-] Unloading 1st Clock made Windows Explorer hung. [-] Zoom screen sharing utility worked improperly when Actual Window Manager was running. [-] Google Chrome crashed when Actual Window Manager tried to display tooltips for its title buttons. [-] Google Chrome crashed when Actual Window Manager tried to display a tooltip showing window position/size when dragging/sizing Chrome window. [-] Windows 8.1 x64: ActualWindowManagerShellCenter64.exe sometimes crashed when using Alt-Tab. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Alt-Tab Task Switcher always displayed Modern (Metro) apps first, no matter were they active or not. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Alt-Tab Task Switcher got cycled after switching from active Modern (Metro) app. [-] Clipboard Templates: After disabling the feature individual template groups still could be invoked via their assigned hotkey combinations. [-] Clipboard Templates: It was impossible to add another top-level template group after selecting one of existing top-level groups in the navigation tree. [-] Windows 8.1: Start screen opened via Actual Taskbar's Start button did not close on the second click on Start button. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Actual Taskbar and Alt-Tab Task Switcher did not display Windows Task Manager when it was always-on-top. [-] Actual Taskbar displayed unwanted Start button copies when working with Classic Shell. [-] In some cases Actual Taskbar did not display separators in Jump Lists. [-] Actual Taskbar's look differed from the system one with non-standard system metrics. [-] Windows 7+: Actual Taskbar decreased the monitor work area incorrectly if any Windows Sticky Notes window was snapped to it closely. [-] Actual Taskbar appeared on top of other windows even if its "On top" option was disabled. [-] Actual Taskbar appeared on top of topmost windows (even if its "On top" option was disabled) when placing the mouse into any preview thumbnail or invoking the taskbar's context menu and opening any its submenu. [-] Actual Taskbar's preview thumbnails hid behind topmost windows.
[-] Windows Sticky Notes icon always displayed in the primary taskbar no matter what monitor the notes were actually on. [-] Actual Taskbar did not recognize moving the BitKinex windows to another monitor. [-] Windows 7+: Sometimes toggling monitors via "Manage Secondary" context menu did not work. [-] Activating a desktop profile reset the Save Idle Screens settings. [-] Windows 7: Google Photos screen saver did not run within the Multi-Monitor Screen Saver. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Photos screen saver froze on a first slide within the Multi-Monitor Screen Saver. [-] Monitor settings on the "Monitors' Layout and Settings" panel did not update after changing the desktop configuration outside the Configuration window. [-] When configuring mirrors with the "Window" source type, some controls were out of sight in the "Source Parameters" group. [-] Recent Folders title button did not work when selecting the disk root folder (like C:\, D:\, etc.). [-] Windows 7+: Title buttons did not appear in: - Remote Desktop Client - Steam client - Spotify [-] Flickering of title buttons in MS PowerPoint 2010 windows is reduced. [-] Incorrect hint was displayed for the Move to Monitor title button. [-] Put into Divider Tile title button displayed incorrect hint after using the "Desktop Divider's up/down/left/right" hotkeys. [-] Minimize-to-screen icons might appear out of sight after rearranging the desktop monitors. [-] Windows 8/8.1: Windows Explorer windows could not be dragged using the Easy Windows Dragging/Sizing feature. [-] Windows 8: Pinning a window to desktop caused visual glitches. [-] After pinning a window to desktop its placement might be calculated improperly if the multi-monitor desktop had a negative coordinates area. [-] Some hotkeys remained operative even if the Control Center had been stopped.
[-] Automatic mouse locking remained operative even if the Control Center had been stopped. [-] After locking the mouse within a window and then dragging that window the lock got lost. [-] Mouse actions did not work when specifying single left click on title bar (with no modifiers or any set of them). [-] Applying the Ignore Deactivation feature to several windows of the same app might cause the undefined behavior. [-] Windows 7+: The "Program" target window criterion did not work in console windows. [-] Dimensions for some kinds of windows calculated incorrectly in Aero visual theme. [-] Automatic update always downloaded the latest available setup file from the server no matter it was already downloaded or not.