Непоседа Дата: Суббота, 13.04.2019, 19:23 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10475
Коллекция портативных программ актуальных версий, объединённая в единую оболочку для удобного быстрого запуска. В сборник входят программы таких категорий: безопасность, графика и изображения, интернет, музыка и видео, образование, офис, разработка, специальные возможности, утилиты. Всё предварительно сконфигурировано, чтобы работать портативно. Достаточно установить сборку в нужное место или на переносное устройство и можно работать. В сборку вошло 351 приложение.Некоторые особенности оболочки: Оболочка имеет удобное интуитивно понятное меню. Есть тонкая настройка оболочки, с помощью которой можно легко настроить любые параметры под себя. Поддержка большого количества языков. Все программы распределены по категориям. В настройках можно выбрать понравившуюся Вам тему оформления. Все приложения можно поддерживать в актуальном состоянии, просто нажав кнопку Приложения-> Проверить обновления. Также можно настроить автопроверку возможных обновлений приложений при каждом запуске оболочки. Имеется возможность добавлять свои приложения с указанием нужной категории. Можно быстро найти в списке нужное приложение, воспользовавшись функцией поиска. Большинство из приложений при запуске «подхватывают» язык Вашей системы. И многое другое
Безопасность: ClamWin Portable 0.99.4 (ClamWinPortable) Emsisoft Emergency Kit Portable 2018.6.0.8742 (EmsisoftEmergencyKitPortable) EraserDrop Portable 2.1.1 (EraserDropPortable) Eraser Portable (EraserPortable) GPG Plugin Portable (2.2.12) HijackThis Fork Portable (HijackThisPortable) Kaspersky TDSSKiller Portable (KasperskyTDSSKillerPortable) KeePass Classic Portable 1.37 (KeePassPortable) KeePass Professional Portable 2.41 (KeePassProPortable) KeePassXC Portable 2.3.4 (KeePassXCPortable) McAfee Stinger Portable (McAfeeStingerPortable) Password Gorilla Portable (PasswordGorillaPortable) Password Safe Portable 3.48.0 (PasswordSafePortable) PeerBlock Portable 1.2 (PeerBlockPortable) PWGen Portable 2.9.0 (PWGenPortable) Spybot - Search & Destroy Portable 2.7.64 (SpybotPortable) VeraCrypt Portable 1.23 Hotfix 2 (VeraCryptPortable)Графика и изображения: AndreaMosaic Portable 3.37 (AndreaMosaicPortable) AniFX Portable 1.0 Rev 2 (AniFXPortable) Blender Portable 2.79b (BlenderPortable) Caesium Portable 1.7.0 (CaesiumPortable) Cornice Portable (CornicePortable) Dia Portable 0.97.2 Rev 2 (DiaPortable) DiffImg Portable 2.2.0 (DiffImgPortable) Fotografix Portable 1.5 Rev 2 (FotografixPortable) FotoSketcher Portable 3.30 (FotoSketcherPortable) fscPortable 5.3 (fscPortable) FastStone Image Viewer Portable 7.0 (FSViewerPortable) Fyre Portable 1.0.0 (FyrePortable) GIMP Portable 2.10.8 (GIMPPortable) Greenfish Icon Editor Pro Portable 3.6 (GreenfishIconEditorProPortable) Hot Spot Studio Portable 2.1 Rev 2 (HotSpotStudioPortable) IcoFX Portable 1.6.4 Rev 2 (IcoFXPortable) IDPhotoStudio Portable (IDPhotoStudioPortable) Inkscape Portable 0.92.4 (InkscapePortable) IrfanView Portable 4.51 (IrfanViewPortable) JPEGView Portable 1.0.37 (JPEGViewPortable) K-3D Portable Rev 2 (K-3DPortable) Krita Portable 4.1.7 (KritaPortable) LazPaint Portable 6.4.1 (LazPaintPortable) LibreCAD Portable 2.1.3 (LibreCADPortable) MyPaint Portable 1.2.1 (MyPaintPortable) Pencil2D Portable 0.6.0 (Pencil2DPortable) Pencil Project Portable 3.0.3 (PencilProjectPortable) PhotoFilmStrip Portable 3.7.0 (PhotoFilmStripPortable) PhotoFiltre Portable 7.2.1 Rev 3 (PhotoFiltrePortable) PicPick Portable 5.0.2 (PicPickPortable) PngOptimizer Portable 2.5.1 (PngOptimizerPortable) RawTherapee Portable 5.4-5.0 (RawTherapeePortable) Smart Deblur Portable 1.27 (SmartDeblurPortable) XnView Portable 2.45 (XnViewPortable)Интернет: aMSN Portable 0.98.9 (aMSNPortable) DamnVid Portable (DamnVidPortable) Ekiga Portable 4.0.1 Rev 2 (EkigaPortable) Falkon Portable 3.0.1 (FalkonPortable) Feed Notifier Portable 2.6 (FeedNotifierPortable) FeedRoller Portable 0.65 (FeedRollerPortable) FileZilla Portable 3.41.2 (FileZillaPortable) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 66.0.2 (FirefoxPortable) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 2nd Profile 2.0.1 (FirefoxPortable2ndProfile) Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition, Portable 67.0 Beta 4 (FirefoxPortableDeveloper) Mozilla Firefox ESR, Portable Edition 60.6.1 (FirefoxPortableESR) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition (Legacy 45) 45.9.0 (FirefoxPortableLegacy45) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition (Legacy 52) 52.9.0 (FirefoxPortableLegacy52) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition (Nightly) 68.0 Alpha 1 Pre (FirefoxPortableNightly) Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition (Beta) 67.0 Beta 4 (FirefoxPortableTest) Free Download Manager Portable (FreeDownloadManagerPortable) Google Chrome Portable 73.0.3683.86 (GoogleChromePortable) Google Chrome Portable (64-bit) 73.0.3683.86(GoogleChromePortable64) Google Chrome Portable (Beta) 74.0.3729.61 (GoogleChromePortableBeta) Google Chrome Portable (Dev) 75.0.3753.4 (GoogleChromePortableDev) gPodder Portable 3.10.7 (gPodderPortable) HexChat Portable 2.14.2 (HexChatPortable) Instantbird Portable 1.5 (InstantbirdPortable) Iron Portable 71.0.3700.0 VidFix (IronPortable) Isotoxin Portable 0.4.528 (IsotoxinPortable) Juice Portable 2.22 (JuicePortable) KiTTY Portable (KiTTYPortable) K-Meleon Portable 75.1 (K-MeleonPortable) KVIrc Portable 4.2.0 Rev 3 (KVIrcPortable) LAN Messenger Portable 1.2.35 (LANMessengerPortable) Links Portable 2.16 (LinksPortable) Lynx Portable 2.8.9 (LynxPortable) Maxthon Cloud Portable (MaxthonPortable) MicroSIP Portable 3.19.8 (MicroSIPPortable) Miranda NG Portable (MirandaNGPortable) Miranda IM Portable 0.10.80 (MirandaPortable) Mumble Portable 1.2.19 Rev 2 (MumblePortable) Opera Mail Portable 1.0.1044 (OperaMailPortable) Opera, Portable Edition 58.0.3135.127 (OperaPortable) Opera, Portable Edition (Legacy 36) 36.0.2130.80 (OperaPortable36) Opera, Portable Edition Legacy 12.18 (OperaPortableLegacy12) PChat Portable 1.5.2 (PChatPortable) Pidgin Portable 2.13.0 (PidginPortable) PopMan Portable 1.3.1 Rev 3 (PopManPortable) Private Browsing by PortableApps.com 5.0 (PrivateBrowsingByPortableApps) PuTTY Portable 0.71 (PuTTYPortable) qBittorrent Portable 4.1.4 (qBittorrentPortable) QuiteRSS Portable 0.18.12 (QuiteRSSPortable) QupZilla Portable (Discontinued) 2.2.6 (QupZillaPortable) QuteCom Portable 2.2.1 Rev 2 (QuteComPortable) SeaMonkey, Portable Edition 2.49.4 (SeaMonkeyPortable) SeaMonkey, Portable Edition 2nd Profile 2.0 (SeaMonkeyPortable2ndProfile) sPortable (sPortable) Sylpheed Portable 3.7 (SylpheedPortable) Telegram Desktop Portable 1.6.3 (TelegramDesktopPortable) Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition 60.6.1 (ThunderbirdPortable) Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition 2nd Profile 2.0 (ThunderbirdPortable2ndProfile) Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition (Beta) 66.0 Beta 2 (ThunderbirdPortableTest) Transmission Portable 2.94 (TransmissionPortable) uTorrent Portable (uTorrentPortable) WackGet Portable 1.2.4 Rev 2 (WackGetPortable) WinSCP Portable 5.15 (WinSCPPortable) WinWGet Portable (WinWGetPortable) wxDownload Fast Portable 0.6 Rev 2 (wxDownloadFastPortable)Музыка и видео: AIMP Portable 4.51.2084 (AIMPPortable) Audacity Portable 2.3.1 (AudacityPortable) AutoDrum Portable 4.2 (AutoDrumPortable) Avidemux Portable 2.7.1 (AvidemuxPortable) CDex Portable 2.14 (CDexPortable) cdrtfe Portable 1.5.8 (cdrtfePortable) CoolPlayer+ Portable 2.19.6 (CoolPlayer+Portable) DVDStyler Portable 3.0.4 (DVDStylerPortable) fre:ac Portable 1.0.32 (freacPortable) InfraRecorder Portable 0.53 Rev 2 (InfraRecorderPortable) LameXP Portable 4.16 Build 2134 (LameXPPortable) Linux MultiMedia Studio Portable 1.1.3 (LMMSPortable) MediaInfo Portable 18.08.1 (MediaInfoPortable) Mixxx Portable 2.1.4 (MixxxPortable) Mp3splt-gtk Portable 0.9.2 (Mp3spltPortable) Media Player Classic - Black Edition Portable 1.5.1 (MPC-BEPortable) Media Player Classic - Home Cinema Portable 1.8.3 (MPC-HCPortable) MuseScore Portable 2.3.2 (MuseScorePortable) OBS Studio Portable 23.0.2 (OBSPortable) Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch Portable 2.2-2 Rev 2 (PaulStretchPortable) MuzicBrainz Picard Portable 1.4.2 (PicardPortable) PotPlayer Portable 1.7.17508 (PotPlayerPortable) Qmmp Portable 1.2.4 (QmmpPortable) SMPlayer Portable 18.6.0 (SMPlayerPortable) Songbird Portable 2.2.0 (SongbirdPortable) TAudioConverter Portable 0.9.9 (TAudioConverterPortable) TEncoder Video Converter Portable 4.5.10 (TEncoderPortable) VirtualDub Portable 1.10.4 (VirtualDubPortable) VLC Media Player Portable 3.0.6 (VLCPortable) WaveShop Portable 1.0.14 (WaveShopPortable) wxMP3gain Portable 3.7 (wxMP3gainPortable) XMPlay Portable (XMPlayPortable)Образование: Artha Portable 1.0.3 (ArthaPortable) BPBible Portable Fixed (BPBiblePortable) Celestia Portable 1.6.1 Rev 2 (CelestiaPortable) FreeMat Portable 4.2 (FreeMatPortable) GoldenDict Portable 1.0.1 Rev 2 (GoldenDictPortable) Gramps Portable 3.4.9 (GrampsPortable) Marble Portable 2.2.0 (MarblePortable) Mnemosyne Portable 2.6.1 (MnemosynePortable) Solfege Portable 3.22.2 Rev 2 (SolfegePortable) Stellarium Portable 0.18.2 (StellariumPortable) Tipp10 Portable 2.1.0 Rev 2 (Tipp10Portable) TypeFaster Typing Tutor Portable 0.4.2 Rev 2 (TypeFasterPortable)Офис: AbiWord Portable 2.8.6 Rev 3 (AbiWordPortable) AbiWord Portable (Test) 2.9.2 Rev 2 (AbiWordPortableTest) A Note Portable 4.2.4 (ANotePortable) BabelPad Portable (BabelPadPortable) calibre Portable 3.38.1 (calibrePortable) Cherrytree Portable 0.38.6 (CherrytreePortable) CintaNotes Portable 3.12 (CintaNotesPortable) CuteMarkEd Portable 0.11.3 (CuteMarkEdPortable) Evince Portable 2.32.0-145 Rev 2 (EvincePortable) Finance Explorer Portable 8.2.0 (FinanceExplorerPortable) FocusWriter Portable 1.6.16 (FocusWriterPortable) Foxit Reader Portable (FoxitReaderPortable) Gnucash Portable 3.5.0 (GnuCashPortable) Gnumeric Portable 1.12.17 (GnumericPortable) Jarte Portable 6.2 (JartePortable) KchmViewer Portable 7.7 (KchmViewerPortable) KeepNote Portable 0.7.8 (KeepNotePortable) LibreOffice Portable 6.2.2 (LibreOfficePortable) LibreOffice Portable (Legacy 5.4) 5.4.7 (LibreOfficePortableLegacy54) LibreOffice Portable Still 6.0.6 (LibreOfficePortablePrevious) Money Manager Ex Portable 1.3.3 (MoneyManagerExPortable) Apache OpenOffice Portable 4.1.5 (OpenOfficePortable) PDFTK Builder Portable 3.10.0 (PDFTKBuilderPortable) PDF-XChange Editor Portable 7.0.326.1 (PDF-XChangeEditorPortable) PDF-XChange Viewer Portable 2.5.322.9 (PDF-XChangeViewerPortable) PNotes Portable 9.3.0 (PNotesPortable) RedNotebook Portable 2.6.1 (RedNotebookPortable) Scribus Portable 1.4.7 (ScribusPortable) Scribus Portable Test 1.5.4 (ScribusPortableTest) Sigil Portable 0.9.10 (SigilPortable) SpeedCrunch Portable 0.12 (SpeedCrunchPortable) Stickies Portable 9.0e (StickiesPortable) Sumatra PDF Portable 3.1.2 (SumatraPDFPortable) Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition 1.0b1 Rev 2 (SunbirdPortable) Mozilla Sunbird, Portable Edition 2nd Profile 2.0 (SunbirdPortable2ndProfile) Task Coach Portable 1.4.3 (TaskCoachPortable) The Guide Portable 2.0 Rev 3 (TheGuidePortable) WinDjView Portable 2.1 (WinDjViewPortable) ZoomIt Portable 4.5 Rev 3 (ZoomItPortable)Разработки: AkelPad Portable 4.9.8 (AkelPadPortable) Cppcheck Portable 1.84 (CppcheckPortable) Database Browser Portable (DatabaseBrowserPortable) Frhed Portable 1.6.0 Rev 3 (FrhedPortable) Geany Portable 1.33 (GeanyPortable) gVim Portable 8.1.1 (gVimPortable) HM NIS Edit Portable 2.0.3 Rev 2 (HMNISEditPortable) IniTranslator Portable Rev 2 (IniTranslatorPortable) KompoZer Portable 0.8 Beta 3 (KompoZerPortable) Notepad++ Portable 7.6.6 (Notepad++Portable) Notepad2-mod Portable (Notepad2-modPortable) Notepad2 Portable 4.2.25 Rev 2 (Notepad2Portable) NSIS Portable 3.04 (NSISPortable) NSIS Portable (ANSI) 2.51 (NSISPortableANSI) NSIS Portable (Unicode) 2.46.5 Rev 3 (NSISPortableUnicode) PortableApps.com Installer 3.5.12 (PortableApps.comInstaller) PortableApps.com Launcher 2.2.1 (PortableApps.comLauncher) Q-Eye Portable (QEyePortable) DB Browser for SQLite Portable 3.10.1 (SQLiteDatabaseBrowserPortable) Sqliteman Portable 1.2.2 (SqlitemanPortable) SWI-Prolog Portable 7.6.4 (SWI-PrologPortable) XAMPP Control Panel 1.7 (XAMPP)Специальные возможности: Balabolka Portable (BalabolkaPortable) Dicom Portable 1.1.1 (DicomPortable) DSpeech Portable 1.71.100 (DSpeechPortable) On-Screen Keyboard Portable 2.1 (On-ScreenKeyboardPortable) Virtual Magnifying Glass Portable 3.6 (VirtualMagnifyingGlassPortable)Утилиты: 2X RDP Portable 12.0 build 2193 (2XClient) 7-Zip Portable 19.00 (7-ZipPortable) Ant Renamer Portable 2.12.0 (AntRenamerPortable) AquaSnap Portable 1.23.5 (AquaSnapPortable) Autoruns Portable 13.94 (AutorunsPortable) BabelMap Portable (BabelMapPortable) BleachBit Portable 2.0 (BleachBitPortable) CamStudio Portable 2.7.2 (CamStudioPortable) ccPortable 5.52.6967 (ccPortable) Checksum Control Portable 2.4.1 (ChecksumControlPortable) Clicky Gone Portable Rev 2 (ClickyGonePortable) Colour Contrast Analyser Portable (ColourContrastAnalyserPortable) Command Prompt Portable 2.4 (CommandPromptPortable) Console Portable 2.00 b148 Rev 2 (ConsolePortable) ControlPad Portable 0.72 (ControlPadPortable) Converber Portable 2.3.1 (ConverberPortable) ConvertAll Portable 0.7.5 (ConvertAllPortable) Cook Timer Portable 0.9.3 Rev 2 (CookTimerPortable) CPU-Z Portable 1.87 (CPU-ZPortable) CrystalDiskInfo Portable 7.8.0 (CrystalDiskInfoPortable) CrystalDiskMark Portable 6.0.1 (CrystalDiskMarkPortable) CubicExplorer Portable 0.95.1 Rev 2 (CubicExplorerPortable) Daphne Portable 2.04 (DaphnePortable) DebugView Portable 4.81 Rev 5 (DebugViewPortable) Diffpdf Portable 2.1.3 (DiffpdfPortable) Disk Cleaner Portable 1.7.1645 Rev 2 (DiskCleanerPortable) Ditto Portable 3.21.258 (DittoPortable) DM2 Portable (DM2Portable) Don't Panic! Portable 3.1.0 (DontPanicPortable) dotNETInspector Portable 1.5.0 (dotNETInspectorPortable) DSynchronize Portable 2.41.10 (DSynchronizePortable) DTaskManager Portable 1.56.29 (DTaskManagerPortable) DUMo Portable (DUMoPortable) Duplicate Files Finder Portable 0.8.0 (DuplicateFilesFinderPortable) DynDNS Simply Client Portable Rev 2 (DynDNSSimplyClientPortable) Explorer++ Portable 1.3.5 (Explorer++Portable) FastCopy Portable 3.54 (FastCopyPortable) FileAlyzer Portable (FileAlyzerPortable) FontForge Portable 2017-07-31 (FontForgePortable) FreeCommander XE Portable 2018 Build 770 (FreeCommanderPortable) FreeFileSync Portable 6.2 (FreeFileSyncPortable) FUPX Portable 2.5 (FreeUPXPortable) GeekUninstaller Portable (GeekUninstallerPortable) Ghostscript Portable (9.26) GPU-Z Portable 2.18.0 (GPU-ZPortable) grepWin Portable 1.8.1 (grepWinPortable) Gridy Portable 0.70 (GridyPortable) HDHacker Portable 1.6.5 (HDHackerPortable) HWiNFO Portable 6.02.3670 (HWiNFOPortable) IObit Uninstaller Portable (IObitUninstallerPortable) IObit Unlocker Portable (IObitUnlockerPortable) jPortable (8 Update 201) jPortable (64-bit) (8 Update 201) jPortable Launcher 4.0 (JavaPortableLauncher) jPortable Launcher (64-bit) 4.0 (JavaPortableLauncher64) jdkPortable (8 Update 201) jdkPortable (64-bit) (8 Update 201) JkDefrag Portable 3.36 Rev 2 (JkDefragPortable) jPortable Browser Switch 1.0 (jPortableBrowserSwitch) KCleaner Portable (KCleanerPortable) Lightscreen Portable 2.4 (LightscreenPortable) Listary Portable 3.51.858 (ListaryPortable) OpenJDK Portable (8 Update 172 Build 11) PCI-Z Portable 2.0 (PCI-ZPortable) PeaZip Portable 6.6.0 (PeaZipPortable) PortableApps.com AppCompactor 3.4.1 (PortableApps.comAppCompactor) Process Explorer Portable 16.22 (ProcessExplorerPortable) Process Hacker Portable 2.39 (ProcessHackerPortable) Process Monitor Portable 3.52 (ProcessMonitorPortable) Q-Dir Portable 7.22 (Q-DirPortable) QwikMark Portable 0.4 (QwikMarkPortable) RAMMap Portable 1.51 (RAMMapPortable) Rapid CRC Unicode Portable 0.3.27 (RapidCRCUnicodePortable) RBTray Portable 4.8 Rev 2 (RBTrayPortable) rcvPortable 1.53.1087 (rcvPortable) RegAlyzer Portable (RegAlyzerPortable) Regshot Portable 1.9.0 (RegshotPortable) ReNamer Portable 6.9 (ReNamerPortable) Resource Hacker Portable 5.1.6 (ResourceHackerPortable) Revo Uninstaller Portable 2.0.5 (RevoUninstallerPortable) Rufus Portable 3.4 (RufusPortable) Shortcuts Search And Replace Portable 1.6.15 (ShortcutsSearchAndReplacePortable) Smart Defrag Portable (SmartDefragPortable) SnapTimer Portable 0.1 (SnapTimerPortable) SpeedyFox Portable 2.0.23 (SpeedyFoxPortable) SSD-Z Portable 16.09.09b (SSD-ZPortable) Startup Sentinel Portable (StartupSentinelPortable) SUMo Portable (SUMoPortable) Synkron Portable 1.6.2 Rev 2 (SynkronPortable) System Explorer Portable 7.1.0 (SystemExplorerPortable) TCPView Portable 3.05 Rev 3 (TCPViewPortable) TeamViewer Portable 14.1.9025 (TeamViewerPortable) Texter Portable 0.6 Rev 2 (TexterPortable) TinyTask Portable 1.62 (TinyTaskPortable) Toucan 3.1.5 (Toucan) TreeSize Free Portable 4.2.2 (TreeSizeFreePortable) TyperTask Portable 1.20 Rev 2 (TyperTaskPortable) UltraDefrag Portable 7.0.2 (UltraDefragPortable) UNetbootin Portable 661 (UNetbootinPortable) UUID-GUID Generator Portable 1.1 (UUID-GUIDGeneratorPortable) Virtual Volumes View Portable 1.3 (VirtualVolumesViewPortable) VirtuaWin Portable 4.4 (VirtuaWinPortable) VMMap Portable 3.25 (VMMapPortable) WhatChanged Portable 1.07 (WhatChangedPortable) WhoDat Portable 0.9.1 (WhoDatPortable) WinCDEmu Portable 4.0 (WinCDEmuPortable) WinDirStat Portable Rev 3 (WinDirStatPortable) Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable 3.0.7 (WindowsErrorLookupToolPortable) winMd5Sum Portable Rev 4 (winMd5SumPortable) WinMerge 2011 Portable 2011.8.226 (WinMerge2011Portable) WinMerge Portable 2.14.0 (WinMergePortable) WinMTR Portable 0.92 Rev 2 (WinMTRPortable) WinPenguins Portable 0.76 (WinPenguinsPortable) Wise Data Recovery Portable 3.87 (WiseDataRecoveryPortable) Wise Disk Cleaner Portable 9.7.7 (WiseDiskCleanerPortable) Wise Program Uninstaller Portable 2.2.6 (WiseProgramUninstallerPortable) Wise Registry Cleaner Portable 9.6.5 (WiseRegistryCleanerPortable) Workrave Portable 1.10 (WorkravePortable) World Clock Portable 8.0 (WorldClockPortable) Xenon File Manager Portable (XenonPortable) XN Resource Editor Portable (XNResourceEditorPortable) xpy Portable 1.3.8 (xpyPortable) YUMI Portable (YUMIPortable) YUMI-UEFI Portable Beta (YUMI-UEFIPortable) Zint Barcode Studio Portable 2.6.2 (ZintPortable) ZSoft Uninstaller Portable 2.5 Rev 3 (ZSoftUninstallerPortable)Изменение в версии v.19.04.10: Обновлено 31 приложение до актуальной версии на 10 апреля 2019 года.Установка и запуск: Запустить setup.exe; Выбрать какие приложение установить вместе с оболочкой; Пользоваться. P.S. Время установки зависит от мощности Вашего ПК. Чем мощнее ПК, тем быстрее установится (приблизительно полная установка может занять от 5-ти минут и более).Системные требования: ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (32-bit and 64-bit). Свободного места: 27.1 ГБ (для полного комплекта). md5: 26a55a3e34306a7f59c250b3fcb1b741 Размер: 8,73 ГбPortableApps v16.0 by adguard Зеркало Доступно только для пользователей
Прежде чем писать о трудностях скачивания нужно вспомнить, что есть программа для скачивания с turbobit
S_T_I_N_G Дата: Суббота, 13.04.2019, 20:29 | Сообщение # 2
Группа: Старожилы
Сообщений: 85
TORRENT - надо!!!
Непоседа Дата: Суббота, 13.04.2019, 22:50 | Сообщение # 3
Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10475
Цитата S_T_I_N_G (
TORRENT - надо!!!
Надо - добавлен.
Прежде чем писать о трудностях скачивания нужно вспомнить, что есть программа для скачивания с turbobit
S_T_I_N_G Дата: Воскресенье, 14.04.2019, 01:08 | Сообщение # 4
Группа: Старожилы
Сообщений: 85
Непоседа , спасибо
nevasya Дата: Суббота, 20.04.2019, 09:07 | Сообщение # 5
Группа: Старожилы
Сообщений: 24
Что то, Хеш-суммы не совпадают.